929 Chapters

Welcome to 929 Chapters, my ongoing and continuously updated Bible website. When complete, each of the 929 Chapters of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament will have its own page with a summary, an outline, a few select verses, and maybe even a written comment or YouTube video. There are also a number of Bible Links to help you study on your own.

If you are interested in taking a class with me, check out the Institute of Biblical Culture, which I founded and direct.

I hope you enjoy.

Rabbi Dr. David Moster

The Pentateuch (תורה)

Exodus (שמות)

Leviticus (ויקרא)

Numbers (במדבר)

Deuteronomy (דברים)

The Prophets (נביאים)

The Twelve Minor Prophets (תרי עשר)

The Writings (כתובים)

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